Never underestimate the power of a smile

Especially if it's coming from the wrong person. [More]

Episode 1: Time Relativity

Mr. KnowAll WantItYesterday, project manager for ThreeTonsOfCode Ltd, pays a visit to Zach WontDoIt to discuss about a new project. But this won't turn out well for Zach (does it ever turn out well for developers?) [More]


Three Tons Of Code is a blog with humorous fiction stories for software developers and people who work in IT in general. It has been noticed that some project managers will not like the blog's content so you'd better not stand next to them when they start throwing things at the computer screen.

See the "Webz" version for images and fun stuff from around the Internet:

Psst! If you are a Project Manager (what are you doing here?) just give this a try. If you are a developer, though, give this to your Project Manager to play and enjoy weeks of undisturbed work :)
